Brosway Italıa Unveıls New Flagshıp Store ın the Venetıan Grand Canal Shoppes
Brosway Italia is thrilled to officially announce the opening of its new flagship store in Las Vegas, just in time for the Holidays.
Italy’s #1 fashion jewelry brand, Brosway Italia, is aggressively expanding its presence in the United States. The opening of the new store on the second floor in St Mark’s Square of the Grand Canal Shoppes in the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas represents a significant leap forward in this ambitious journey.
“The ongoing commitment to solidifying our position as the leading fashion jewelry brand in the United States remains at the forefront of Brosway Italia’s strategic efforts. The new flagship store is just one of the many steps we will go through in order to become indelible in the international market” said Founder and President Lanfranco Beleggia.
Situated in the iconic Venetian Hotel, the new Brosway Italia flagship store promises a fashionable shopping experience. At its heart is the opportunity for customers to immerse themselves in the vibrant world of the brand’s jewelry through a sensory journey of colors. Customers will be invited to play the Brosway Italia color test – an engaging and interactive activity designed to unveil their personalized “color key”.
“There was no better billboard than to put our store in St Mark’s Square in the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas to bring Brosway Italia to the next level and focus all the attention on our game-changing jewelry”, said Brosway Italia USA CEO, Beatrice Beleggia.
With partners from more than 30 countries, the grand opening represents a significant stage in the international journey of the fast-growing fashion jewelry brand. Brosway Italia is part of Bros Manifatture Group, which has been operating in the jewelry industry for over 40 years and is present in 30 countries with thousands of points of sale, employing hundreds of people.