Pıanegonda ın Taormına to Celebrate Fashıon, Desıgn and Sostenıbılıty Durıng Taormına
Pianegonda attended TAOMODA 2024 in Taormina, a week dedicated to the celebration of art in all its forms: fashion, design, entertainment. With a keen eye on sustainability, the design brand participated in the “Make Fashion Sexy Again” event.
The 25th edition of TAOMODA, held July 16-20, 2024 against the backdrop of beautiful Taormina, hosted numerous events including the annual meeting at the Dell’Oglio Boutique, which this year took place on Friday, July 19. The presentation of the 3rd edition of the “Foglio della Moda” Yearbook, a fashion culture and industry insert of the daily newspaper “Il Foglio,” brought Fabiana Giacomotti, costume historian and editor of “Il Foglio Moda,” Beatrice Beleggia, head of the Pianegonda brand, Rosalba Benedetto, communication and marketing manager of Banca Ifis, and Mario D’Oglio, fashion entrepreneur and owner of the boutique, to the table. The discussion was moderated by Agata Patrizia Saccone, president of TAOMODA.
Numerous also were the awards conferred to prominent figures such as well-known business executive Marco Bizzarri, designer Antonio Marras, entrepreneur Elisabetta Franchi, president of the historic Titanus production company Guido Lombardo, photographer Ludmilla Voronkina, and many others. The stunning Dell’Oglio Boutique, located at 170 Corso Umberto, hosted Pianegonda’s collections throughout the week, providing an enchanting setting for the event.