Blue Book 2023: Out of the Blue at The Landmark ın New York Cıty
Tiffany & Co. exclusively previewed the fall expression of Blue Book 2023: Out of the Blue through an intimate presentation in partnership with the French luxury Maison, Givenchy. Hosted at the newly renovated Landmark on Fifth Avenue, the event consisted
ISSEY MIYAKE – The Japanese desıgner who made hıstory wıth hıs tımeless ıdeas
In 2007, Mr. Miyake has resigned from his position as the creative director of his own brand. From then on, the role has been held by several Japanese designers who have faithfully inherited the legacy of the designer’s vision. Along
Gıvenchy presented ıts ss ’23 men’s collectıon at Parıs Fashıon Week
Presented during Paris Fashion Week Men’s, the designer shared with Vogue that the pieces were inspired by different people around him. “Elements of, like, Melrose and California, where I spent time as a kid and I now take my son to shop. It’s
Aesthetıc featurıng statement jewelry and mınımalıst beauty ın Gıvenchy’s Fall/Wınter 2022 Collectıon
When Matthew Williams took over at Givenchy back in 2020, his arrival ushered in collections done with a streetwear sensibility, Givenchy's Fall/Winter 2022 collection being no exception. Set to faint, almost indirect club music that grew in intensity as the
Termınology: what ıs a Larıat?
Terminology: what is Lariat? Lariat is a piece of jewelry more than a meter long with unconnected ends, usually in shape it resembles a cord or lasso. Examples can be found in Givenchy or Piaget.