GJEPC To Organıse Internatıonal Gem & Jewellery Show (IGJS) In Dubaı
GJEPC, the apex body of gem and jewellery trade in India with the support of Govt. of India, is organising the inaugural International Gem & Jewellery Show (IGJS), an in-person exhibition, in Dubai from 14th to 16th August 2021. Colin Shah,
DITP successfully organized the webinar entitled “The Future of Gems & Jewelry Post Pandemic Where Are We Headed”
The Department of International Trade Promotion (DITP) organized a webinar entitled “The Future of Gems & Jewelry Post Pandemic: Where Are We Headed?” on June 4, 2021 highlighting the potential business opportunity between India’s and Thailand’s jewelry industry in post
Messıka has released a new collectıon My Move
Traditionally, Valerie Messika every year adds something new to her Move series with movable gems. This time the founder of Messika chose a material unusual for the brand - leather, having released the My Move collection of bracelets. The strap
Party tıme ıs coming soon
Who doesn't love to go out, have fun and dance? We offer you the formula of the right combination to keep up with the parties where dazzling lights dominate. How would you like to be the Queen of the Night
What messages are encrypted ın the new Guccı Lınk to Love jewelry collectıon
The Italian brand Gucci showed a new jewelry collection - unexpectedly laconic, but not at all simple. We will tell you what message is encrypted in the Link to Love collection rings and bracelets. It is based on the shape of
An Art Deco Cartıer dıamond Brooch Blows Away Estımate at Auctıon
An Art Deco Cartier diamond and rock crystal brooch sold for 10 times its high estimate, becoming one of the top five lots ever sold at Chiswick Auctions. The piece was formerly owned by New York socialite Augusta McCagg, a relative
Rıng the changes – 4 sustaınable rıngs ınspıred by the UN Global Goals
Just a quick one some of our top picks from With Love Darling’s ring collection – with each design uniquely inspired by one of the UN Global Goals, each piece is made in third world countries, giving the artisans income
Internatıonal Gemologıcal Instıtute ıs aımıng to be the fırst carbon-neutral gemologıcal laboratory
IGI will work with third-party certifier and standards developer SCS Global Services to complete an audit of the New York lab’s carbon emissions over the past year. It will use that to create a strategy and timeline for achieving carbon-neutral
Emeralds, Paraıba tourmalınes, the legendary “serpentı” ın the Bvlgarı Magnıfıca collectıon
Bvlgari decided that now is the time to present the colorful collection of Magnifica jewelry, which contains the most extraordinary combination of the rarest gemstones from around the world: from the 93 carat Colombian emerald to the amazing Paraiba tourmalines,
“Since 1828, the love of Perfume and the love of Art have been at the heart of the House of Guerlain. This artistic and olfactory duality is reflected in the exceptional creations, the fruits of a creative partnership between Guerlain