228 carat dıamond sold for $22 mıllıon at chrıstıe’s auctıon
A 228-carat stone made history as the largest white diamond ever to sell at auction, raking in nearly $22 million at Christie’s Magnificent Jewels in Geneva. The pear-shaped, 228.31-carat, G-color, VS1-clarity diamond, called The Rock, fetched $21.9 million at the May
New 2022 edıtıon of “Dıamonds” presents an updated and more comprehensıve guıde to the precıous stones
A new updated 2022 edition of the authoritative “Diamonds” book by Marijan Dundek has been published, providing an updated and even more comprehensive guide for the general public and the trade, with all the essential information about diamonds and the
24 carat dıamond sold for $ 2 mıllıon on Chrıstıe’s
Christie's sold a 24.45 carat diamond pendant for $ 2 million in its recent online auction, the second highest price the company has received for jewelry sold online. A heart-shaped stone, color D, impeccable clarity, type IIa met the