Bringing a brand new breath to the jewelry industry with its luxury piercing designs, Piano Jewellery challenges today's trends. “You have a style” standing out with its luxury piercing designs, which are the symbol of courage, Piano offers thousands of
Facıal pıercıng – a brıght trend of thıs season
Piercing is back in vogue and you don't have to join a subculture to wear it. Facial piercings aren’t new to the industry. Just a couple of seasons ago, large nose earrings were presented by Acne Studios.
The most popular jewelry styles of Maluma
The singer proves that men can and even need to wear bright and large jewels. The Colombian singer has gained worldwide fame after the joint track Medellín with Madonna. In live preformance he appears with an earring in his ear,
Manıcure wıth pıercıng, rıng, chaın and jewelry – new trend
The manicure with punctures, metal rings, pins and chains is back in fashion again and has taken over the Instagram feed. Why again? Speaking about the origins of this trend, it is important to mention that long before Kim Kardashian,
Paır oversızed earrıngs wıth pıercıngs
Piercing has long left behind its marginalized status and has become a stylish way to highlight individuality. Stars and fashion influencers are happy to use it: Zoe Kravitz, Chiara Ferragni and divas like Beyoncé and Rihanna like couple of rings