Lab-Grown Dıamond ‘Dream’ Necklace Sells for $122K at Charıty Auctıon
The necklace’s total sale price, $122,000, works out to about $1,634 per carat, above the current per-carat average for lab-grown diamonds. According to industry analyst Edahn Golan, the average retail price of a 1-carat lab-grown diamond in June of this
Donatıons from sales of the Le Vıan Bee Posıtıve collectıon to help bees
The Le Vian brand takes its founder's affection for the bee and its latest collection called Bee Positive and expands it into action. As part of the launch of the Bee Positive campaign, the Le Vian team joined the Bees
Brosway joıns forces wıth Alıce For Chıldren to protect the rıghts of chıldren ın Kenya
Brosway has always supported social causes and partnered up with prestigious NGOs and charities, that are constantly committed to trying and make a real change in many people’s lives. This year, Brosway has renewed its commitment to Alice For Children: an
Fırst-Ever Lab Grown Dıamond Charıty Auctıon Hosted by VDB and IGI to Benefıt Jewelers for Chıldren
Virtual Diamond Boutique (VDB) and International Gemological Institute (IGI) have partnered with Jewelers for Children to host the first-ever international lab grown diamond charity auction. Over $75,000 worth of loose lab grown diamonds and lab grown diamond jewelry, all with