The everlastıng shınıng of the stars -Let’s dıscover Begum Khan
Powerful talismans and astrological portents collide in a stellar capsule collection by Begum Khan.
Since the beginning of time, humans have sought meaning in the signs and symbols of the world around us: the movement of water, the patterns of tea-leaves, the celestial dance of the stars in the sky. Inspired by astrology, Eastern mysticism and the art of the tarot, Begum Khan’s “Written in the Stars” collection pulses with powerful talismanic energy, encouraging us to take charge of our destiny.
Designed by Begum Kiroglu, each handcrafted piece exudes galactic glamour. Soar up to the celestial plane with our Scarab Orbit Earrings, inspired by heavenly bodies moving across space. Scattered with pink, purple and cobalt blue gemstones, the concentric circle design echoes the predestined path of the planets.
Or amplify the energy of the cosmos with our Superstellar Earrings, which couple sparkling constellations of pave crystal stars and protective charms. The Nazar Superstellar Earrings will ward off evil, while the Scarab Superstellar Earrings channel ancient mysticism and the Dino Superstellar Earrings awaken a primal force. Stellar symbols also appear in our Crazy Cat Supernova Earrings: set on a single gemstone-encrusted star, the fierce wildcat motif shines with spirit and the determination to fulfil one’s dreams.

The collection is completed by the brand’s most popular and enduring talismans, reimagined for additional luck and protection. In the Scarab Nazar Earrings, a trio of navy blue or multicoloured Evil Eyes descend from an ancient Egyptian beetle motif, fusing two ancient totems to dramatic effect. Meanwhile, our Beetle and Scarab Goldeneye Earrings symbolise the gaze of fate and fortune through an intricate eye design enrobed in gleaming gold-plated bronze.
To celebrate Written in the Stars, join us on a voyage into space with our astrological muse Bolka Basharan, aka Bolka de Constantinople. Constantly seeking glimpses into an elusive parallel universe, Bolka channels the knowledge of the collective consciousness through her trusted tarot cards. Connecting the earthly and celestial planes, the east and the west, she perfectly embodies the otherworldly spirit of the collection and shares our vision of positive transformation through cosmic understanding. During these times of continual change, life can feel like a journey without a map or compass. But with Bolka as our guide to the stars, coupled with Begum Khan’s lucky talismans, we can manifest a bright, creative future.
Of the Written in the Stars collaboration, Bolka says: ”I’m a storyteller. I love everything that has meaning. Any object I wear or surround myself with should have history or a story that either makes me dream or giggle. I see all of Begum’s pieces as totems or talismans in a sea of objects with no story. It is truly beautiful to create this event with a fellow orientalist, who represents all over the world the elusive dream that we both share.”

Bolka Ba§aran was born and raised in Istanbul, she is a graduate of King’s College London, department of law. And yet, she has made it her priority in life to unveil the hidden magic of every moment.
She manifested for the first time at the age of 14, before The Secret was all the rage. Her tarot cards have now been replying to her most pressing yes or no question with the same card for a year: that of the hermit – of going within, to go without. Only once we embrace where we are can we move forward. She believes the cards to be helpful in channelling the knowledge that is part and parcel of the collective consciousness. Bolka’s articles on Istanbul and India, ‘Fallen Cities of lore’ as she calls them for their magic mysticism and faintly lingering glamour, have appeared in both Harper’s Bazaar, Turkey and Italy. She is a traveller and has stopped along the way to live in London, New York, Milan, Jaipur and Paris; speaks and writes in French, English, Italian and Turkish and is working on her first novel, always in search of an elusive glimpse into a parallel universe made of magic, a will-o’ -the-wisp, the next spell.
Established in 2012 by Istanbul native Begum Kiroglu, the Begum Khan brand combines mystical Eastern influences with modem elegance. Born into a family of Ottoman art collectors in the ancient imperial capital of Istanbul, Begum cultivated her love of beautiful things from an early age. After studying luxury brand management at Bocconi University in Milan, Begum’s fascination with the Orient drew her further East, to Shanghai, where she pursued a Masters’ degree in Chinese culture at Fudan University.
Inspired by her travels around the globe and the wonders of nature, Begum’s designs bring to life a menagerie of exotic flora and fauna. From whimsical cufflinks for the modern dandy, the collection has grown to encompass dazzling jewelry and accessories for women and is carried by some of the world’s most exclusive retailers and boutiques. Every item is still hand-crafted by Turkish artisans in an atelier near Istanbul’s Old Town, a labor of love that imbues each piece with its own personality and soul.