The rare and extraordınary dıamonds used for the Berkeley 40 Namıb Sun

A new watch by crafted by London-based Backes & boasts 96 fancy intense and vivid yellow diamonds, weighing a total of 18.38cts.

The Berkeley 40 Namib Sun has the dial invisibly set with yellow marine diamonds from Namibia. The watch features a further 131 white diamonds, weighing 8.66 carats. Backes & Strauss, established in 1789 in Germany, and recognized as the oldest diamond company in the world, collaborated on the watch with Antwerp-based Diamwill, specialist manufacturers of fancy color diamonds.

“We are proud to announce the launch of our newest masterpiece, the BY 40 Namib Sun,” said Backes & Strauss.

“Its unique dial is meticulously set with fancy intense and vivid yellow diamonds, each sourced from the marine diamond deposits of Namibia.”