De Beers has released ıts sales schedule for next year
The miner sells most of its rough to sightholders through a contract system under which clients make certain purchasing commitments in return for consistent supply. In April 2021, the miner introduced a new sales agreement offering more bespoke supply for
Lucapa Dıamond Company has recovered a 160-carat rough dıamond
high-quality rough from its Lulo mine in Angola, the sixth-largest stone the deposit has yielded. The company found the type IIa diamond at the same alluvial mining block from which it unearthed a 170-carat pink — the Lulo Rose — in
Gem Dıamonds’ Sale of Botswana Mıne Falls Through
Gem Diamonds’ sale of its Ghaghoo mine in Botswana has broken down for the third time in five years. Okwa Diamonds, owned by Vast Resources and Botswana Diamonds, struck a deal with Gem Diamonds last year to purchase the deposit for
De Beers Unveıls New Marıne Mınıng Vessel ın Namıbıa
De Beers recently debuted its new diamond recovery vessel at an inauguration ceremony in Namibia. The ship, named the “Benguela Gem,” will begin operations this week, ahead of schedule, the company said. It’s the latest addition to Debmarine Namibia’s fleet, which recovers
odessa mınerals applıed for exploratıon near the argyle mıne
Australian miner Odessa Minerals has applied for two licenses to explore an alluvial deposit south of the defunct Argyle mine, believing it holds diamond “runoff” from the famed site. The Argyle South area is a 40-kilometer channel that carried diamonds from
purple dıamond settıng a new record
The Belgian company, which sells production from AGD Diamonds’ Grib mine in Russia, brought in $65 million from the sale of 650,000 carats, Grib head of sales Antony Dear told Rapaport News Monday. While high demand for rough persisted amid