Some pretty legendary creatures like the dragon in East Asia and the wolf, Elie Top phoenix in Western culture are used as important symbols. In India, the elephant symbolizes the God, Ganesh. The different cultural influences have resulted in
GJEPC’s Indıa Internatıonal Jewellery Show (IIJS) Premıere 2024 spurs record-breakıng USD 12 bıllıon of busıness
Showcasing “Brilliant Bharat” theme this year, IIJS Premiere 2024 (the 40th edition) show dates were: 8-12 August at JIO World Convention Centre, Mumbai and 9-13 August at Bombay Exhibition Centre, NESCO Goregaon, Mumbai. IIJS Premiere 2024 had a total exhibition
GJEPC’s Jewellers for Hope Charıty Fundraıser Supports Women empowerment and Chıld Education: contrıbutes to ‘Relıef Projects Indıa’ NGO in ıts 8th Edıtıon
The Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) proudly hosted the 8th edition of its esteemed charity dinner, 'Jewellers for Hope,' at a glittering event attended by industry leaders and philanthropists. Backed by lead partner - De Beers; Associate Partner
de beers launched second chapter of ıts metamorphosıs hıgh jewellery collectıon
De Beers launches second chapter of its Metamorphosis high jewellery collection
Prelude Metamorphosıs by De Beers: a new hıgh jewellery collectıon
Previous De Beers high jewellery collections have taken us on a bejewelled tour of the world, from Canada to the African Plains, and even explored the microscopic chemical makeup of a diamond itself. Now, Metamorphosis, the latest high jewellery collection
An Astounding New Chapter for The Alchemıst of Lıght Hıgh Jewellery Collectıon by De Beers
Following the launch in January of the “first chapter” of The Alchemist of Light High Jewellery collection, De Beers has released the second instalment which it said continues to explore the natural, elemental magic of light, unveiling five new jewellery
De Beers sculptural engagement rıngs made by ındependent desıgners
Diamond giant De Beers Group and Blue Nile unveiled a new project. The brand has unveiled a collection of ten engagement rings, created in collaboration with ten independent jewelry designers. The participating designers and their brands are: Almasika by Catherine