MON REVE speaks to emotıons wıth the sprıng-summer collectıon SENTIMENTS
Created by designer Betina Demishulam, the Turkish design brand MON REVE presented a new SENTIMENTS 2021Spring Summer Collection. Anklets, bracelets, rings, necklaces and earrings that take their energy from stones and are handcrafted. The collection consists of the perfect harmony of six separate collections named Truthful, Joyful, Delightful, Wonderful, Playful and Grateful.
Taking its inspiration from self-realization and love, Truthful carries the Mediterranean spirit to styles with its designs crafted with turquoise stone, which increases the life energy. Joyful, the fun collection designed with the stone of love, pink quartz and relaxing agate, gives happiness and peace with its colorful designs that emphasize the beauty of spring. In the Delightful collection with lava stone designs, different shades of impressive purple meet fascinating designs.
A combination of colored and white stones – Wonderful, blending many different materials with natural stones – Playful and Grateful collections attract attention with their fun designs.