Louıs Vuıtton presents ıts new Sılver Lockıt collectıon ın partnershıp wıth UNICEF

Louis Vuitton has locked in its commitment to help the world’s most vulnerable children, teaming up with UNICEF for another instalment of the charitable ‘Lockit’ collection. This time, the collection is created in collaboration with actress Millie Bobby Brown – the fashion brand’s house ambassador and a goodwill ambassador for the global humanitarian organisation – who models the designs. 

Continuing the tradition of earlier drops, the emblematic miniature lock remains a focal point. However, the 2024 drop introduces a new chapter with the Silver Lockit released as a full collection for the first time, featuring an individual earring, a bracelet, and a pendant. The design is a testament to the unique nature of this collection, with all pieces engraved with the word ‘learn’, a symbol of Millie Bobby Brown’s efforts to raise awareness of children’s rights to grow, learn, be protected and thrive. 

Since 2016, Louis Vuitton has raised more than €18 million for UNICEF through sales of the Silver Lockit collection. For every Silver Lockit bracelet purchased, €92 is donated to UNICEF, and €184 is donated to UNICEF for every Silver Lockit earring and new pendant purchased.