Now at its 41st edition, Oroarezzo gathers together the manufacturing excellence of all the Italian and international gold districts specialising in the processing of metals and precious elements that express the very best of quality goldsmithing.
Over 300 brands will be exhibiting, including the Arezzo-based companies Unoaerre, Giordini, Gold Art, Graziella Group, Richline and Lusso. Important attendance also from the Vicenza district with Chrysos, Rancangelo, Alessi Domenico, Superoro, Ronco and Sharma Group World, from the Naples district with Roberto Giannotti and from the Milanese capital with Milor.
Oroarezzo is a consolidated format within IEG’s Jewellery Agenda, summarised by the payoff “The Art of Manufacturing”. The exhibition itinerary will develop over four halls dedicated to gold, jewellery, silverware, semi-finished products and stones. Jewellery manufacturing will represent almost 70% of the offer, 15% of which will be international; Tech will cover 18% with an exhibition of the latest technological processing systems, while Cash&Carry, an opportunity for companies to sell on the spot, will occupy 12%.
With a “buyer-oriented” vision, the offer will consist of companies that express quality, research and innovation in a relevant segment of the industry’s supply chain, from technologies to jewellery. The show, held in the heart of Arezzo’s gold district, an area that recorded a +23.5% growth compared to the pre-crisis level in 2019 (2022 Tuscan District monitor drafted by Intesa Sanpaolo’s Studies and Research Department), is aimed at the main outlet countries for Made in Italy jewellery: North America, the Middle East, South America, as well as Italian retailers.
The Jewellery Golden Cloud, a digital platform set up by Italian Exhibition Group and enhanced by an artificial intelligence system that facilitates targeted matching during the days of the show due to detailed profiling of connected users, is already up and running. Exhibitors and buyers have started online interactions to define and optimise their business meeting agenda during the event.
Oroarezzo will also be provide the chance to benefit from technical training and sector updating to support production process development thanks to content that will focus on two links within the goldsmithing supply chain: technology and jewellery. The involvement of the city of Arezzo, which will welcome operators and buyers with a series of off-show cultural events and initiatives, will also be beneficial for professional networking.