ALROSA Presents Its Updated Sustaınabılıty Polıcy
The Supervisory Board of ALROSA approved the updated Sustainability Policy being the fundamental document establishing the company’s obligations and principles of its operation in the field of sustainability.
ALROSA Group strategic approach to the integration of sustainability principles is enshrined in the comprehensive Sustainability Programme until 2025, approved in 2021, which defines medium-term objectives and key performance indicators for five strategic priorities: People, Health and Safety, Environment, Communities, Governance and Ethics.
As part of the Programme implementation and in order to integrate the goals to be achieved into all aspects of its activities, ALROSA updated the Sustainability Policy, reflecting the company’s systemic approach to sustainability. In particular, it determined the strategic vision and levels of the company’s impact in the field, specified obligations to stakeholders, and set the key sustainability principles, allowing the company to fulfil its potential in the best possible way in ensuring its long-term contribution to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
The document also outlines ALROSA’s approaches to sustainability management in terms of improving the efficiency of the management structure and relevant corporate practices, as well as to enhancing the system of internal regulatory documents intended to integrate sustainability principles into the Group’s mission and strategy.