A new collectıon of Tanıshq fılled wıth ıconıc symbols of the UAE’s rıch herıtage

The United Arab Emirates is 50 years old! To celebrate this golden anniversary, jewelry brand Tanishq has launched a collection filled with symbols that are important to this sunny country. It reflects the past and vision of the future of the country.

The collection is inspired by stylized symbols: the UAE flag, the iconic falcon and the traditional Arabian coffee pot.  So, the collection also features pieces inspired by the date palm, a symbol of hospitality and 7 shining stars that symbolize the unbreakable bond of the 7 Emirates.

Over 40 pieces of jewelry, including long, intricate necklaces, rings, lapel pins for men and women, versatile design earrings, minimalist yet unique pieces of jewelry that make a great gift.