The Patek Phılıppe Museum ın Geneva celebrates ıts 20th anniversary
It contains about 2,500 watchmaking items and related materials spanning 500 years of history. The Patek Philippe Museum houses not only Patek Philippe watches, it is probably the largest watch museum. The initial exhibits for placement in the museum were specimens
chrıstıe’s hong kong auctıon raısed $64 mıllıon
Jewellery pieces adorned with white and fancy colour diamonds, jadeite and coloured gemstones were the stars of Christie’s Magnificent Jewels Autumn Auction, which achieved HK$498.28 million (around US$64 million). The top lot was a pair of diamond earrings, featuring fancy
Archıtect Ramona Albert presented her Fırst Jewelry Collectıon
lbert, who’s based in Long Island, N.Y., is now bringing her design savvy to jewelry lovers: the architect has debuted an eponymous collection of real gold and gold-plated jewels that meld organic forms with details that feel like they were
While the iconic Harmony bracelet model that Hemmerle designed in 1991 and which is regarded as a signature of the brand, celebrates its 30th anniversary; it remains faithful to its perfect symmetry and striking design. The Harmony bracelet emerged as a puzzle-like combination of copper and silver, inspired by
Tıffany & Co. and Patek Phılıppe have released a lımıted edıtıon watch collectıon
Patek Philippe will launch a limited edition Ref. 5711 in collaboration with Tiffany & Co. The collaboration is timed to coincide with the 170th anniversary of collaboration between jewelry giants. A total of 170 watches will be produced. The brands began
When I first saw your products, rather than silver I saw some color transitions which I don’t really see with the other brands. Are you considering to design different jewelry with this technology in the future? As a matter of fact,
Let’s touch on the hıstory of Van Cleef & Arpels Alhambra Collectıon
During its 50-year history, the Van Cleef & Arpels Alhambra has been almost continually refreshed and revised, making it one of the house’s most collectable fine jewellery motifs. Each decade saw the introduction of new semi-precious and precious gemstones, such
Jewellers rally wıth confıdence over rebound on ınterest ın jewellery at the openıng of SIJE 2021
On display at SIJE 2021 are several magnificent pieces by renowned jewellers. The pieces which are being showcased are rare and exclusive, and are not readily available outside the show. Local jeweller IVY Masterpiece is presenting a remarkable USD 2 million necklace
Karlın Anderson releases new jewelry collectıon ın partnershıp wıth modern slavery charıty
Shetland based jeweler Karlin Anderson has launched a collection of contemporary jewelry in partnership with Hope for Justice, a UK based charity that aims to end modern slavery and human trafficking. 10% of the price paid for each piece of Karlin’s
Cara Delevıngne ın the new Dıor Joaıllerıe campaıgn
British model and actress Cara Delevingne starred in the latest campaign for jewelry brand Dior Joaillerie. The actress, who is the muse of the jewelry house, presents new pieces from her collection, Rose des Vents. The jewelry was designed by