World Gold Councıl and GJEPC Enter ınto Strategıc Partnershıp for Generıc Gold Jewellery Marketıng ın Indıa
The World Gold Council and Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) have signed an agreement to promote gold jewellery in India in 2021. Under the terms of the agreement, both partners will jointly fund a multi-media marketing campaign that would aim to increase awareness, relevance and adoption of gold jewellery amongst Indian consumers, especially millennials and gen Z.
The World Gold Council’s ‘Retail Gold Insights: India Jewellery’ report released last year revealed that although young women are active gold jewellery consumers (33% of Indian women aged 18-24 years bought gold jewellery in the 12 months preceding the survey in 2019), their future purchase intent could be higher. This is especially true in the urban areas and could be achieved if the gold jewellery trade could tap into consumers’ desire for self-expression and prestige.
This finding presents an opportunity for the gold industry to work collectively to make gold jewellery more relevant and contemporary, leading to a consequential shift. This joint partnership will work to make gold jewellery more relevant and desirable through an evocative multi-media campaign.