the new chaın collectıon from sustaınable hıgh street jewellery brand Wıth Love Darlıng

This new chain collection is a tribute to the strong women in the designer’s family and the jewellery they wore – as on searching her mother’s jewellery box the designer found chains from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, and can clearly remember how they have been worn by the women who have paved the way for the values ​​she holds today.  She is inspired daily by these women and so wanted to bring these same best loved chains to the high street so they can become your best loved chains too.    With Love darling also has collections which include: Global Goals, Comic Relief, Signet, Nature, Love Links, Bezel, beads, Eye  and Pearl collections.   So do let us know if we can send any pieces across for inclusion!  

With Love Darling is a jewellery brand dedicated to impact through storytelling and sustainable production. The collection is built around the United Nations Global Goals, aiming to inspire and engage the customer to buy, live and think more sustainably. The jewellery is produced in third world countries, giving the artisans income to lift themselves and their families out of poverty. They believe in changing the world – one piece of jewellery at the time. All jewellery is made by select artisans worldwide.

The Global Goals were created by the United Nations in 2015, where 17 goals were put into place with hope of bettering the world by the year 2030. The goals  include aims to end poverty, hunger, climate change, and inequality, while fighting for human rights and sustainability. The Global Goals appeal to everyone, as it’s primarily 17 different roads to creating a better world that we want to leave better than we found it.

With love Darling are part of the movement that is bridging the gap between fashion and sustainability. They ’re aware that fashion is the second largest polluting industry in the world, therefore want to help build the community of fashion consumers who engage in a responsible and sustainable way.

They’ve interpreted the 17 Global Goals as 17 symbols that are simple and beautiful pieces. They want the wearer to forge a strong connection to the goals  and  speak about them to loved ones. They  believe in the power of word-of-mouth and social media to spread important messages across the world. The Global Goals collection allows the wearer to show off their activism in a more discrete, elegant and refined manner. The charms appeal to everyone, whether they’re on a necklace, bracelet, earring or keychain.