The world’s 2nd largest gem & jewellery trade show IIJS Premıere 2023 organısed by GJEPC estımates busıness of over Rs. 60,000 crore
The organizers have gone the extra mile to ensure the comfort and convenience of exhibitors and visitors alike, securing an astounding 10,000 room nights across 25 hotels. Among the show-stopping features lined up, attendees can look forward to the highly
The world’s 2nd largest gem & jewellery trade show IIJS Premıere 2023 organısed by GJEPC estımates busıness of over Rs. 60,000 crore
The much-awaited 39th edition of IIJS Premiere 2023, organized by the Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC), kick-starts today in Mumbai. This prestigious event brings together the gems and jewellery industry for an extraordinary showcase of excellence, innovation, and