Moonaya jewelry – mystıc orıent and Dısney prıncesses
The Moonaya aesthetic intertwines childhood memories and beliefs about female beauty. As a little girl, designer Aya had a colorful dream, as if from a past life, which she still describes in detail. In this dream, the heroine saw herself in the role of a princess with golden skin, in a golden robe and with a huge amount of jewelry on her head in the form of sparkling stones and chains. This image is forever entrenched in the subconscious of the girl as a symbol of weightless beauty, absolute femininity and harmony.
“The Moonaya brand is a reflection of my inner world, my philosophy. The brand name consists of my name and the symbol of mystery, inaccessible beauty and love to the Moon” – explains designer Aya Muratova.
In jewels Aya reflects a vision of female beauty, inspired by the aesthetics of Eastern culture and the image of Disney princesses.
Each piece is created by hand. Alloys of precious metals, silver and yellow gold are used, complemented by natural pearls, onyx and Swarovski crystals.
The brand’s collections include chokers and earrings, head jewelry (tiki, burga, masks, face chains), as well as body jewelry: sconces, body chains and shoulder straps.