LAB GROWN DIAMONDS by JUSTDESI Are Trendıng– Ethıcal and Sustaınable Dıamond Jewelry

Lab Grown diamonds have been growing in popularity over the last several years and are being accepted by customers worldwide.  Giving the same physical, chemical and optical characteristics as natural diamonds, women and men are ditching the notion that only “mined” diamonds are real and authentic.  They are finding that lab grown diamonds give the same fire, scintillation, and sparkle.  They are internally flawless and more and more people are gravitating towards them.  The only difference, other than “time”, is that the natural diamond has minimal traces of nitrogen.  Lab grown diamonds do not.  The Federal Trade Commission even recognizes Lab Diamonds as real.  

GIA Laboratory-Grown Diamond Reports and identification reports no longer use the term “synthetic.” The GIA Laboratory-Grown Diamond Report includes the standard GIA color, clarity and cut grading scales.  Lab Grown diamonds are created via two popular methods: Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) or High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT).  That said, sometimes lab grown diamonds are known as CVD or HPHT diamonds.  Overall, any difference between lab grown and natural diamonds cannot be seen with the naked eye though they are normally priced 30% to 50% less in most cases.  I guess some people want their “traces of nitrogen” in their stones.