Dıor opens La Galerıe, a lıvıng museum of the brand
After a two-and-a-half year renovation that totally transformed it, the newly-reopened #Dior30Montaigne comprises eight buildings flanking both Avenue Montaigne and Rue François 1er in Paris’s 8th arrondissement. The 10,000m2 surface area across seven floors is not only home to a boutique that has tripled in size to unite the entirety of the House’s collections in one exceptional place, it also contains a restaurant, café, three gardens, and much more.
Set off on an eye-opening excursion through the colorful Diorama display of miniature dresses and 3D-printed icons that welcomes visitors to La Galerie Dior. Discover how 1422 pieces, including iconic bags, shoes, perfumes and hats, were 3D printed before taking their place alongside 452 miniature dresses in the breathtaking Diorama display lining the central staircase of La Galerie Dior of the newly reopened #Dior30Montaigne. Several of the designs were repeated in order to be reproduced in different colors, and the ton of totally biosourced materials took some 100,000 hours to print, employing 30 3D printers that operated 24/7 over six months of production.